Episode 6 // Quarterbacking Your Tax Return
Championed by our friends at Community Futures Saskatchewan
It’s tax season Founders, and like it or not it’s time to pay up. But how much, is in large part up to you.
Today, we’re tackling the topic of tax. And with taxes being familiar turf for NTN Pro, Stan Swartz, President, InfoMoney Solutions Inc., he’s quick to point out many of us lose precious dollars by not taking a strategic and coordinated approach to dealing with them.
Tune in as Stan coaches us on the importance of knowing our end game, recruiting the right pros, and approaching the goal-line with unrelenting ferocity and focus.
Part 1 // The Game Plan
With roughly 42.5% of our personal income going towards taxes, it’s time we tackle the issue head-on. As Stan likes to say, “It’s not what you make, it’s what you keep that’s important.”
Listen up as he walks us through the importance of building both a short-and long-term strategy. When you know where you’re headed personally, you’ll be able to draw a game plan that’s a win-win-win for you, the business and CRA.
Part 2 // The Players
Tax planning isn’t a solo sport. It takes a team. A team of first-draft, top-tier picks.
In Part 2 of Quarterbacking Your Tax Return, Stan outlines the ideal roster of pros we need to have on-side, and recruiting tips to lock-in top-talent.
Part 3 // The Ten-yard Line
It’s so close you can see it; the deadline drawing near. April 30th, to be exact.
But before you show off your elaborately choreographed tax touchdown dance, you’ll want to take advantage of the weeks to come and use this window wisely. In Part 3, Stan maps out a bold strategy, one we can follow play-by-play that will get us to, and over, the goal-line.
What's more, he lays out the post-game discussion we need to have with our pros to ensure a stellar year to follow.
About the Pro // Stan Swartz

President, InfoMoney Solutions Inc.
Superpower// Making Money and Keeping Money
Stan Swartz is a Chartered Professional Accountant, Certified Management Accountant, Certified Financial Planner and Certified Management Consultant.
Prior to becoming a founding partner of Sloan Partners Chartered Professional Accountants, Stan worked in government, in entertainment, manufacturing, and automobile industries.
At Sloan Partners he spent over 25 years assisting small and medium size businesses and their owners better understand their situations, advise them on growing and better managing their businesses as well tax and financial planning.
Since semi-retiring in 2014, he has focused on personal and business financial planning.
He is currently a presenter and contributor for CPA Canada’s financial literacy program.
About the Champ // Community Futures Saskatchewan
25 years of loans, advice and support for Saskatchewan Founders
Community Futures Saskatchewan has been in the business of encouraging and supporting their communities, volunteers and small business owners for more than 25 years. They know what it takes to start and grow a business, to raise money for a community project or organize to provide a much-needed community service. And they'll approach your idea in a way as individual as you are.
Connect //
GAB LAB CHAMP // Community Futures Saskatchewan www.cfsask.ca
GAB LAB HOST // Taunya Woods Richardson taunya@nailthenumbers.com // 1.844.844.3660
NTN PRO // Stan Swartz www.infomoney.ca or stan@infomoney.ca
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